Sunday, March 7, 2010

7 Things I Hate About You

  1. Your Tests.
    Admit it. There are just things in Pisay that only the Science Scholar are subject to, and one of those unique thing we’re exposed to are tests so hard, you’d think they were designed specifically for us to fail. Well, not all tests are like that, but compare ours to say, tests from your old school, ours is just seriously... much more difficult. Makes you wish you were back in grade school when you don’t have to study to pass, or even ace, a periodical exam.
  2. NO sleep,
  3. And homework too.
    Another unique thing we have in Pisay is the load of requirements we have. I mean, requirements are a part of school life, but the sheer amount of stuff we have to do every week is just too much. And because we’re all good and stuff that we actually TRY to finish them all, we end up going without sleep at night, ESPECIALLY during Hell Weeks. And often, you end up cramming some of them because you weren’t able to finish all of them during that sleepless night. Annoying, right?
  4. Your Caf that has no fans
    Another annoying thing in Pisay is the lack of fans in the caf. Now, this might be too biased since I almost always hang out in the caf, but seriously. A considerable portion of the student population buys their food and spends their break periods in the caf, so why not invest in making that small time of relaxation we have even better?
  5. Teachers who think they’re everything, don’t know which to prioritize.
    Every school (I think) has their own terror teacher, but in Pisay, where the best of the best are concentrated, there is also a concentration of terror teachers who give out requirements so hard, attempting to do them would mean NOT doing your other requirements. Compounded with #2 and #3, this just makes us lose even more sleep and rely on chemicals to keep us awake and not faint.
  6. The (almost) failing grades that we all get, just know it hurts.
    Just a bit of advice to those who will and might read this who still studies in Pisay: everyone will get something that’s line of 2 at least once in their four years, so don’t sweat about it. Some subjects in Pisay are designed specifically to ‘challenge’ our minds, a.k.a. fail us, and to make us study even harder. As long as you keep it on the passing range, you’re just fine, I tell you.
  7. And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do:
  8. You made me love you.
And compared to all the great things that would take too long to write, I probably should mention the seven that I like... The 7 Things I Like About You
  1. Your friends
  2. Your `mates.
    The best people you’ll ever meet in Pisay would be your batch mates and your friends. Something about going through hell together makes even extremely different people work together and bond. The thing with Pisay is that the batches are often very diverse, and you WILL end up hanging out with people who you wouldn’t think of hanging out with if you didn’t go to Pisay. And besides, going through hell with friends is better than nothing.
  3. And teachers too.
    Just as there are terror teachers, there are cool teachers. These are often the very young and new ones who are friendlier with students, don’t really on terror to control them, and, more often than not, are the younger Pisay alums that have been through the same thing that you guys are going through right now. These people will be your best allies, so never get on their bad side.
  4. Classes that require no tests
    These are probably the best classes out there. There will be some subjects that will replace, say, a PERIO with another requirement, and if you’re lucky, there are those that don’t give out tests at all. More common though are those that do give tests, but are ridiculously easy that you don’t have to study for it (a quick skim through the notes will help though). Don’t take these subjects for granted, these instant unos will pull your GWA up. Seriously.
  5. You make me laugh, you make me cry, I guess that’s both I’ll have to buy
  6. Memories of mine while with everyone when everything’s alright
    Pisay memories are the most unique ones out there. There are just things in life that will only happen in Pisay and nowhere else. It’s these things that make the Pisay experience unique, and what makes going through all that hell worth it. You may not have the best grades, or the most friends, but remember that the people you hung out with in Pisay are the best of the best, and that you studied under the best teachers in the best high school in the country, and that’s already something. When you reach that point in school years when there isn’t anything to do, you WILL miss the things you had to go through.
  7. And the 7th thing I like the most that you do:
  8. You made me love you.
    The Pisay experience is the best there is, and when you guys are in our position (seniors after the fourth quarter perios) you will love Pisay, and miss all the memories you gained during those four years.

- Luis Estrada

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