Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Place Like Home

A prison or so it seems. There were curfews for everything; sleeping, studying, even coming to and fro the dorm. The only people you knew or talked to were your roommates, you were afraid to room hop, it was ironic really, and so many people around you but so few to talk to. Being an intern seems so isolated a life, surrounded by strangers, a cold, dark and singular experience. But then no ice stays frozen forever, you warm towards your roommates and feel comfortable around them, you start room hopping with impunity, you become a part of society of interns. The dorm was a place where everyone's acquainted at the very least, a place where it feels like home. You learn to bend rules, play, stay up late, and countless other things you wouldn't normally do. You see your report cards start showing lower grades every quarter and pretend you do not care. The truth is, the dorm isn't just somewhere you live for fun, it can also teach you a lot; discipline, responsibility, self-reliance, helpfulness, among other things. By thrusting you through hostile environment, you come out better person. "Pressure makes diamonds" as the saying goes. The dorm makes you a better person, I learned to work for myself, but not hindered me from making friends. The truth is, the dorm is not just a home, and not just a brotherhood but it’s a proving ground. Boys enter but leave men, ready for any challenge the world has to offer.

- Ryan Salamat

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